Strongest Long Reach Robot In the World Delivered

May 17th 2024 was a special day at the Loop Technology Centre in Dorchester with the delivery of 2 Fanuc M- 2000iA series robots– the 1700L and 900L.

Fanuc M-2000's at Loop Technology

What started as a single robot in a living room over 25 years ago has led to the strongest long reach robot in the world arriving in Dorchester!

It was a thrilling day for the whole team as we witnessed the culmination of many months of planning and logistics. The M2000ia 1700L was the first to arrive – weighing 12.5 tonnes, with almost 4.7 metres of reach and a 1.7 tonne payload capacity, it is a substantial piece of equipment to install! The 900L was installed second- it offers the same reach as the 1700L with a payload capacity of 900 kg.

Crane for Fanuc M-2000 iA delivery

These gigantic robots provide the capability needed for our latest FibreLINE order, particularly FibreFORM, our 3D composite pick and place end effector that itself weighs over a tonne. The composite aerostructures that will be manufactured with our FibreLINE system are large and require highly flexible, long reach robots. They will be mounted on a Güdel TMF-6 track and have unfettered access to the cell area in order to perform the necessary inspection and deposition activities.