Large-Scale 3D Printing Cell for Scaled

This was a collaborative R&D project funded by Innovate UK. We worked alongside the University of Warwick, McLaren Automotive, and Scaled to create an additive manufacturing cell, capable of producing parts up to 3m long.

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Watch a video of the cell in action

Photo and video courtesy of Scaled Ltd.


The project focused on improving the digital workflow involved in operating a large-scale 3D printing system, thereby reducing both process time and cost.

Additionally, the project focused on the procedures necessary for mass-production and demonstrated the suitability of such a manufacturing approach for the future direct production of components for automotive manufacturing.

Loop pioneered the parsing of 3D printer G-Code into robot programs through print job queuing software that included collision detection and print bed space assignment. Loop also provided the robot cell guarding, commissioned the robot, and assisted with the integration of the printing hardware.


Since completion of the project in 2019, Scaled have well and truly taken the ball and run with it, having created Europe’s first driving 3D printed vehicle.

“To see such excellent innovation assisted by the machine we played a part in is fantastic, particularly great is the use of recycled print materials.”

– Matthew Stokey, Loop Technology Project Engineer

Watch a video of the 3D printed vehicle in action

Photo and video courtesy of Scaled Ltd.


If you are interested in talking to us about a similar project, please contact us.

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